
Mothers of Misfits
Show Finale: Celebrating 100 Episodes | Emily Melious, Cameron Suorsa, Olivia Whiteman
Show Finale: Celebrating 100 Episodes | Emily Melious, Cameron Suorsa, Olivia Whiteman college community education entrepreneurship process Apr 05, 2022

The M.O.M. Team celebrates reaching 100 episodes of the Mothers of Misfits podcast and reminisces about their journey. You don't want to miss this final send off from Emily!


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Mothers of Misfits
100: Dealing with the Loss of a Child | Liesel Mindrebo Mertes
100: Dealing with the Loss of a Child | Liesel Mindrebo Mertes loss managing grief Mar 29, 2022

Empathy Consultant, Liesel Mindrebo Mertes, talks candidly about the process of grieving the death of a child. She also shares how we - as colleagues, friends, family members, and ...

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Mothers of Misfits
99: Overcoming a "Failure to Thrive" Diagnosis | Debi Lewis
99: Overcoming a "Failure to Thrive" Diagnosis | Debi Lewis health long term illness Mar 22, 2022

Debi Lewis spent years trying to get an accurate diagnosis for her daughter - something other than "failure to thrive." She shares the challenges of navigating a broken medical sys...

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Mothers of Misfits
98: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child | Megan Barella
98: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child | Megan Barella behavior Mar 15, 2022

Emily and Megan talk about how to stop the power struggles and explosions in our homes and, instead, positively channel the energy of our strong-willed and highly sensitive kids.

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Mothers of Misfits
97: A Positive Outlook on ADHD | Jill Laudati
97: A Positive Outlook on ADHD | Jill Laudati add/adhd behavior health Mar 08, 2022

Jill Laudati is the co-author of Itchy Brain and a Speech Language Pathologist. She shares the life lessons she's gained by supporting her husband and two boys, all of whom have AD...

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Mothers of Misfits
96: Dealing with Food Allergies | Bethany Gettis
96: Dealing with Food Allergies | Bethany Gettis health Mar 01, 2022

Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™, Bethany Gettis, talks about common food allergies and how to find out if your child has one.


  • "We aren't eating from the loca...
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Mothers of Misfits
95: Thriving as a Bipolar College Student | Luke Gilligan
95: Thriving as a Bipolar College Student | Luke Gilligan add/adhd behavior bipolar health Feb 22, 2022

Luke Gilligan was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 disorder in his first year of college. He candidly talks about approaching his parents for help, finding the right medication, and managi...

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Mothers of Misfits
94: Mastering the IEP Process | Shelley Kenow
94: Mastering the IEP Process | Shelley Kenow education iep special needs Feb 15, 2022

Master IEP Coach, Shelley Kenow, tells us what to expect in the IEP process and how to successfully advocate for our child's unique needs in school.


  • "Some people don't ...
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Mothers of Misfits
93: Raising Other People's Children | Debbie Ausburn
93: Raising Other People's Children | Debbie Ausburn adoption foster care Feb 08, 2022

Having no biological children of her own, Debbie Ausburn has "collected" 7 children and 10 grandchildren. She speaks to the challenges and rewards of raising other people's kids.

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Mothers of Misfits
92: Parenting a Child with an Eating Disorder | Susan Landers, M.D.
92: Parenting a Child with an Eating Disorder | Susan Landers, M.D. health parenting teens Feb 01, 2022

Susan Landers, M.D. shares her personal story of helping her daughter overcome anorexia. She and Emily also discuss the risk factors, warning signs, and treatments for eating disor...

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Mothers of Misfits
91: Making Family Photos a Positive Experience | Don Orkoskey
91: Making Family Photos a Positive Experience | Don Orkoskey special needs Jan 25, 2022

Despite the smiling faces, a family photography session is usually a chaotic, stressful scene. The pressure to capture the "perfect shot" is amplified when your child has special n...

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Mothers of Misfits
90: Parenting a Child with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, & Dyscalculia | Kathryn Garforth, Ph. D.
90: Parenting a Child with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, & Dyscalculia | Kathryn Garforth, Ph. D. dyslexia special needs Jan 18, 2022

Kathryn Garforth, Ph. D. is an Educational Consultant specializing in Learning Disabilities, ADHD, Autism and other Low Incidence Special Needs. Diagnosed with dyslexia, dysgraphia...

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