Mothers of Misfits
20: How to Create a Safe Space for Your Child | Christina Rice
20: How to Create a Safe Space for Your Child | Christina Rice
mental health positivity Jul 14, 2020Christina Rice suffered from mental and health disorders since the age of 3. Sadly, for most of her life, she didn’t feel she could share her true thoughts and emotions – even with her parents. Now a healthy and successful business owner, Christina talks about how to create a safe space for others, particularly our kids.
- “I felt like I was just thinking about things and worrying about things that nobody else could understand. And when I would try to talk to people about it, it was just in one ear and out the other.” – Christina Rice
- “When I finally was able to get to the root of my gut health, a lot of my intense paranoia went away.” – Christina Rice
- “I feel like nutrition is the gateway into being able to see everything else more clearly.” – Christina Rice
- “Be fully present. Listen. It’s not all about what are we going to do next or what’s the end goal, but, where are we right now?” – Emily Melious
- 0:44-4:47 – Identifying as a misfit
- 6:49-11:27 – Is food the medicine?
- 11:29-22:44 – How to help find a solution
- 22:44-25:16 – Escaping the victim mindset
- 25:24-28:26 – Steps to help your child
- Learn more at www.christinaricewellness.com
- Wellness Realness Podcast
- Instagram: @ChristinaRiceWellness
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