83: Normalizing Neurodiversity | Sivan Hong
Nov 30, 2021Sivan Hong authors and illustrates the children's book series, The Super Fun Day Books. These inspiring books focus on neurodiverse children, who overcome their challenges with perseverance and bravery. Listen in as Sivan and Emily talk about the power of books to normalize neurodiversity.
- “The system has to change slowly. Because we're not getting the most out of these kids, when we think that every single brain looks the same.” - Sivan Hong
- 2:50 - What inspired you to write books about neuro-diverse children?
- 6:07 - How can a book normalize different?
- 14:18 - The Super Fun Day Books
- 19:27 - Book giveaway
- We're giving away a signed paperback copy of Sivan's book, George J. and the Miserable Monday!
- All you have to do for a chance to win is join our Episode Insider's newsletter before next week's episode is released. Click here, and scroll the the bottom of our home page to complete sign up form!
- Entries close at 5:00 AM EST on Tuesday, Dec. 7th, and winner will be announced later that day. No purchase necessary. Must be 18 years old or older to enter. Winners must reside in the United States or they will receive a digital copy.
- sivanhong.com
- Find Sivan's books on Amazon

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